I am kind of weird! I know from the very beginning that I do not like to make friends with the gym people or have any kind of friendship on a personal level with any of them. But I ended up having known a bunch of them anyway the way I expected. They became my friends and complicate my life. Really!
Pretty much when I am in the gym, I don’t socialize or even look at other people. I just don’t like for them to look at me either when I am forcing myself to push for each weight lifting or see my face suffer trying to push my own limits. The only people that I like to interact on a very minimal level are the staff and the Personal Trainers. That’s all actually!
It’s not that I am a stuck up person or anything like that. I just don’t see the need to be extra friendly to some eager-gediks-person and trap myself into making friends with someone I don’t really care just for the sake of being nice. I don’t want to be pretentious or lie to anyone. I really do not want to be friendly to anyone.
Call me the ugly duckling or the black sheep of the bunch for all I care. I have seen some of these gedik boys/girls making friends and how they carry themselves in the gym really want to make me vomit. Do you really need to wear such short hot pants, the kind that you would mistakenly think that they were going to the swimming pool and then doing some kind of a weird cat walking around the gym and make these cute smiles to strangers? Yuck! Despicable OK!
I suppose to these Gedik boys/girls the gym is their social club. The club that charge monthly fees, plays loud club music, offer free sodas with huge dance studios lead by Mother Hen that Gedik the most among all teaching everyone how to shake their humps. And it is also a courtyard of dream where they could catch someone or to show off their six packs or play the winking eyes games with fellow pathetic souls and find out who wins.
So, I stop going to that XYZ Gym at KL for a while until I forget all the Gedik Faces in there and for the time being I am going to all the other XYZ Gyms around KL such as Puchong, Damansara, PJ and Cheras. I am rotating my gym location on weekly basis. So far I like the gym at PJ the most, very spacious, clean and well lit.
I feel so free this way and I am not bothered by all these people so much anymore! However I don’t mind to be bothered by “Sharona” at the counter. She’s the only professional person I don’t mind putting up with. She’s so cool!
P/S: Definition of GEDIK (Pronounce like Gew-dick) This definition is taken from www.urbandictionary.com
A Malay word that describes someone(usually a girl or a gay boy) who acts in a slutty way but not to the extreme, it's kinda like a 'persuasive but cute' manner, where the 'cute' part is usually not from the heart. just check the e.g.
Boy : Hey, leave my noodles alone on that table!
Girl : Aww... can't I just have a little?~ pleaasee....
Boy : A simple "no, u can't"
Girl : aww pweaase~ pwettie pweaasee~ (puts finger on her lips and nods a little while staring straight to the boy's face)
Boy : Omg, u r sooo gedik